Modalidad online self study

70 horas

Simulacro de examen gratuito con la inscripción al programa

Examen de certificación oficial incluido para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D

Acerca de este curso

The PCAP | Programming Essentials in Python curriculum is designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of programming, i.e., students of secondary school, university, vocational school, or simply anyone interested in learning programming. The only preliminary requirement is the ability to use a personal computer and a very basic knowledge of mathematics.

The PCAP: Programming Essentials in Python course covers all the basics of programming in Python 3, as well as general computer programming concepts and techniques.

The course also familiarizes the student with the object-oriented approach. The course is broken down into two parts, each divided into four modules. Students have access to hands-on practice materials, quizzes, and assessments to learn how to utilize the skills and knowledge gained on the course and interact with some real-life programming tasks and situations.


IT Specialist - INF-303: Python

Incluida para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D


The aim of the course is to familiarize students with general computer programming concepts like conditional execution, functions, loops, Python programming language syntax, semantics, and the runtime environment, as well as with general coding techniques and object-oriented programming.

Completing the course ensures that the student is fully acquainted with all the primary means provided by Python 3 to enable them to start their own studies, and to open a path to the developer's career.

These course materials will assist you in developing the skills necessary to do the following:

  • have a basic knowledge of computer programming and software development
  • understand the fundamental programming concepts, such as: compiler, interpreter, source code, machine code, IDE
  • have an orientation in Python's development history, its main traits and features
  • gain skills allowing her/him to install and configure basic development tools as well as code, and run the very first Python program.
  • gain skills enabling her/him to create, edit and run Python source files using IDLE
  • have some knowledge of Python's numeral literals, their syntax, types and formats
  • have an orientation in issues related to Python arithmetic operators and expressions
  • gain the ability to name, create, initialize and modify variables
  • have skills that enable her/him to perform basic input/output operations in a Python program.
  • know basic features of the Boolean data type;
  • gain skills to work with relational operators in Python;
  • have the ability to effectively use the control statements if, if-else and if-elif-else
  • understand the role of a loop and be able to use the control statements while and for;
  • have an orientation in bitwise operations in Python;
  • know the role of lists and be able to operate with them to perform actions including indexing, slicing and content manipulation
  • understand how the bubble-sort algorithm works
  • have a knowledge of multidimensional lists in Python
  • understand the concept of functions and be able to code and invoke her/his own functions
  • have an orientation of the main features of structural programming
  • have some knowledge of name scopes and be able to distinguish global and local variables, as well as understand how name shadowing works
  • understand the principles of tuples including the immutability notion
  • know the role of dictionaries and be able to use them effectively in appropriate circumstances
  • understand the role of the Python module and know the available ways of importing modules into her/his own code/namespace
  • gain knowledge of selected useful standard Python modules
  • have an orientation in package purposes as well as be able to create her/his own packages
  • know the main function of PIP and be able to use it in order to install and uninstall ready-to-use packages from PyPI
  • know how characters are coded and stored inside the computer's memory, distinguish most known coding standards
  • gain knowledge of Python's sequences and know the differences between strings and lists
  • be able to effectively use selected lists and string methods
  • have an orientation of Python's way of identifying and handling runtime errors
  • understand the purpose of the control statements try, except and raise
  • understand Python exception hierarchies
  • understand the fundamental concepts of object programming like class, object, property, method, inheritance and polymorphism
  • have an orientation in the differences between procedural and object approaches, as well as being oriented when both of the techniques reveal their pros and cons
  • be able to build her/his own classes, objects, properties and methods
  • be able to use inheritance and polymorphism in her/his inheritance path
  • understand the objective nature of Python exceptions
  • gain the ability to understand the concepts of generators, iterators and closures as well as be able to use them in adequate applications
  • know how Python accesses physical file-system resources, understand file open modes and perform basic input/output operations in relation to text and binary files
  • gain an ability to manipulate date and time, work with a calendar, and create directory structures using Python


70 horas - Curso Online


  • PE1: Module 1: Introduction to Python and Computer Programming
  • PE1: Module 2: Data Types, Variables, Basic Input-Output Operations, Basic Operators
  • PE1: Module 3: Boolean Values, Conditional Execution, Loops, Lists and List Processing, Logic and Bitwise Operations
  • PE1: Module 4: Functions, Tuples, Dictionaries, and Data Processing
  • PE2: Module 1: Modules, Packages, and PIP
  • PE2: Module 2: Exceptions, Strings, String and List Methods
  • PE2: Module 3: Object-Oriented Programming
  • PE2: Module 4: Miscellaneous


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