Modalidad online self study

70 horas

Simulacro de examen gratuito con la inscripción al programa

Examen de certificación oficial incluido para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D

Acerca de este curso

The JavaScript Essentials 1 course introduces the student to some universal computer programming concepts, such as data types, type casting, containers, comments, operators, conditional execution, loops, functions, errors, exceptions, troubleshooting, and code debugging.

The course guides the student step-by-step to understanding and using the core JavaScript language to design, build, and improve simple JavaScript programs.


IT Specialist - INF-302: Javascript

Incluida para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D


The graduate of the course:

  • knows the syntax of the core JavaScript language to a degree that allows for working with variables, operators, flow control, and functions
  • knows the basics of the JavaScript data types system, distinguishing between primitive and complex types, and is able to choose a type adequate to their needs
  • thinks algorithmically and can analyze a problem using a programmatic conceptual apparatus
  • can choose a data type adequate to the problem being solved and use suitable flow control means
  • can design, develop, and improve very simple JavaScript programs;
  • can interpret and handle basic exceptions related to errors in program execution
  • understands a programmer's work in the software development process and the role of fundamental development tools
  • knows how a program is interpreted and executed in an actual computer environment, local or remote
  • can create and develop their own programming portfolio


70 horas - Curso Online


  • Módulo 1: Introduction to JavaScript and Computer Programming
  • Módulo 2: Variables, Data Types, Type Casting, and Comments
  • Módulo 3: Capacidades de administración empresarial de Microsoft 365
  • Módulo 4: Control Flow – Conditional Execution and Loops
  • Módulo 5: Functions
  • Módulo 6: Errors, exceptions, debugging, and troubleshooting

