Modalidad online self study

70 horas

Simulacro de examen gratuito con la inscripción al programa

Examen de certificación oficial incluido para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D
Acerca de este curso
Every day, more people around the world are working from home and attending school from home. This means that many people are using a variety of networks to connect to the internet. Do you know what it takes to connect multiple devices using a local network? Do you know how to connect the network to the internet?
The Cisco Networking Academy’s Networking Essentials 2.0 course provides learners with a broad foundational understanding of networking. It is suitable for anyone interested in a career in IT, or a related career pathway. Networking Essentials 2.0 is self-paced. The primary emphasis is on networking knowledge with a small amount of basic skills that are useful for a home or SOHO network.
IT Specialist - INF-101: Networking
Incluida para alumnos actuales de MEDAC: 1º y 2º de DAM, DAW, SMR, ASIR y 3D
The Networking Essentials course is designed for people who want to learn the knowledge and skills they need to work in Information Technology (IT) and networking. These course materials will assist you in developing the skills necessary to do the following:
- Explain the concept of network communication.
- Explain the basic requirements for getting online.
- Create a simulated network using Cisco® Packet Tracer.
- Build a simple home network.
- Explain the importance of standards and protocols in network communications.
- Explain how communication occurs on Ethernet networks.
- Create a fully connected LAN.
- Explain the features of an IP address.
- Explain the DHCP address assignment process.
- Explain the principles of IPv4 and IPv6 address management.
- Explain how clients access internet services.
- Explain the function of common application layer services.
- Configure an integrated wireless router and wireless client to connect securely to the internet.
- Connect wireless PC clients to a wireless router.
- Explain how to use security best practices to mitigate attacks.
- Configure basic network security.
- Explain how to create a console connection to a Cisco device.
- Explain how to use the Cisco IOS.
- Build a simple computer network using Cisco devices.
- Troubleshoot basic network connectivity issues.
70 horas - Curso Online
- Module 1. Communications in a Connected World
- Module 2. Online Connections
- Module 3. Explore Networks with Packet Tracer
- Module 4. Build A Simple Network
- Module 5. Communication Principles
- Module 6. Network Design and the Access Layer
- Module 7. Routing Between Networks
- Module 8. The Internet Protocol
- Module 9. Dynamic Addressing with DHCP
- Module 10. IPv4 and IPv6 Address Management
- Module 11. Transport Layer Services
- Module 12. Application Layer Services
- Module 13. Build a Home Network
- Module 14. Connect to the Internet
- Module 15. Security Considerations
- Module 16. Configure Network and Device Security
- Module 17. Cisco Switches and Routers
- Module 18. The Cisco IOS Command Line
- Module 19. Build a Small Cisco Network
- Module 20. Troubleshoot Common Network Problems